Tuesday, October 19, 2010

National Social Security card can break the ice in the Yangtze River Delta region

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released "State Golden Card Project National IC card application (2008-2013) development plan" put forward, the next 5 years, China's social security card to the "National General."灞婃椂锛屽皢鏈変竴涓鐩栧叏鍥界殑缃戠粶锛屽疄鐜板吇鑰併?鍖荤枟銆佺ぞ淇濈瓑浜嬪姟鐨勨?绁炲窞琛屸?銆?br />
"Social Security Card," and this will help to break the geographical barriers of the policy vision, the materials, transportation, personnel, information flow and close coordination in the high speed of the Yangtze River Delta, will take the lead in ice?

"City effect" can not do without "social insurance exchange"

Not long ago, Shanghai 129 bus will replace a new POS machines to accept from Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Yangtze River Delta cities, traffic card. Currently in Yangtze River Delta, one relying on the transportation cards, "Transit Circle" has begun to take shape. Shanghai local transport card carrying members of the public, not only in Suzhou, Wuxi, Changshu, take the bus Cheong Hang in Fuyang, Hangzhou, also in the "fight."浜掗?鐨勪笉鍙槸浜ら?銆?Figures show the other provinces the number of households and enterprises in Shanghai registered capital, respectively, 30% and 50% from the Yangtze River Delta region; Shanghai's domestic economic cooperation projects, with about four percent of Jiangsu, Zhejiang cooperation. In the capital, talent, technology, the rapid flow of information, the Yangtze River Delta in the "city effect" is becoming increasingly prominent. "City" Lacks Anything? Deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission Reform Institute, NLD Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Cheng Shao said that in recent years of "settling in Kunshan, Shanghai office" model of the "City" has been "live" and " line "on the essay, as now, social security has become a livelihood exchange" ultimate threshold. " Cheng Shao believes that demand conditions the Yangtze River Delta region the first in China to achieve social security card interoperability. On the one hand, Shanghai is relatively abundant medical resources should serve the Yangtze River Delta; the other hand, a number of Shanghai residents purchase housing in the neighboring city, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, there are still some areas of origin of people choose to retire to his home to live their retirement, medical treatment have yet to be to achieve interoperability.

"Wuxi Shanghai Cooperation" opened off exchange

Shanghai is the first to introduce social security card of the city. From 1999 to last year, Shanghai has issued a total of 11.12 million social security card, covering the permanent residents and to Shanghai, application areas include labor and social security, public security, civil affairs, provident fund, medical insurance, health, education, voter registration and military service Its function will be to the "electronic wallet" to expand. In implementing the first five years, in July 2003, a "Shanghai and Wuxi on the realization of the two" social security card "interoperability framework of cooperation agreement" signed between the two cities. Agreement, "In view of the Xihu very frequent personnel exchanges between the two, both from the convenience of the public exchange of human resources, remote extraction of pension, medical billing and other services using the social security card point of view", will promote interoperability between social security card.鏍规嵁鍙屾柟绾﹀畾锛岀敱涓婃捣鎵挎媴鏃犻敗绀句繚鍗$殑绯荤粺寤鸿宸ヤ綔銆?CPPCC Standing Committee, Democratic League of the Shanghai Municipal Director Zheng Huiqiang that the "Shanghai Wuxi cooperation," the implementation of the project marks the experience of Shanghai social security card was successfully applied to other large and medium cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and software algorithms and interlinked nature of technology platforms, but also the future of networking for the two common foundation. September 2005, Wuxi City, the official social security card system, a project put into operation, the system covers all citizens, "life information", the end of last year, total fat,

Up about 1.5 million social security card.鍦ㄤ粖骞村惎鍔ㄧ殑鈥滀簩鏈熷伐绋嬧?涓紝涓婃捣杩樺皢涓烘棤閿″埗浣?0涓囧紶灞呮皯鍖讳繚瀛︾敓鍗°?


Cheng Shao frankly, from the Yangtze River Delta cities to promote the current situation, "social security card" of progress is still "slow."涓烘锛岄渶瑕佸敖蹇墦寮?笅杩颁笁涓?鍗″彛鈥濄? , "Bayonet" is one of the technical standards throughout the different.鐢变簬缂轰箯閫氱洏鑰冭檻锛屼簰閫氳鍒掓?浠嶄笉瓒筹紝鐩墠鍚勫煄甯傚ぇ澶氬湪灏忚寖鍥村唴缁熶竴鏍囧噯鍜屾妧鏈紝浠庤?褰㈡垚浜嗚嫢骞蹭釜鈥滃皬鍦堝湀鈥濓紝姣斿鏉窞閲囩敤闆嗘垚鐢佃矾鎶?湳锛屽槈鍏翠负鈥滃鐢ㄩ?鏅鸿兘鍗♀?锛屽畞娉?鍙板窞銆佺粛鍏淬?婀栧窞鐨勬妧鏈爣鍑嗕緷鎵樹簬閾惰绯荤粺锛岃?涓婃捣銆佹棤閿″張灞炲彟涓?被銆?Cheng Shao said that as an increasingly significant problem, at present these "all into one group," the standards are still being vigorously promoted around, it will communicate the next docking additional transition costs that may arise "format war" will hinder the region integration steps. 鈥滃崱鍙b?涔嬩簩鏄斂绛栧樊寮傜殑鍒剁害銆?Cheng Shao said to Medicare, for example, the treatment around the level of financial subsidies are quite different interests of the difficult balance. For example, take the medical insurance card to Shanghai Jiaxing settlement, want a higher health insurance treatment, Shanghai will be happy to pay for it? The cost of health insurance benefit level is rigid or can be, not down, otherwise it will give local residents dissatisfied, however, to go from low to high city will face a higher threshold for treatment. "Cost range of interest is not so, there is no basis for docking, convergence will encounter resistance."

, "Bayonet" The third is the lack of institutional mechanisms. Cheng Shao said the "bayonet" In the final analysis is due to co-ordinate, the lack of coordination mechanisms, the current triangle has been established to promote exchange of relevant transportation card coordinating body, but the social security card of the exchange has not specialized agency responsible for promoting.鐢变簬娌℃湁涓诲鍜屽崗璋冩柟锛屽悇鍦版墽琛屾椂闅惧厤鍥夸簬琛屾斂鍖哄垝鍜屾潯鍧楀垎鍓诧紝閫犳垚鍏变韩灏戙?浜ゆ崲灏戙?鏉ュ線灏戠殑灞?潰銆?Zheng Huiqiang that, to serve as the positioning of the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta, Yangtze River Delta social security card should be actively promoted the establishment of coordination mechanisms, and show initiative to align the posture, so that the next generation social security card machines compatible with surrounding cities.



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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog: Beware of the computer in the city's "hidden rules"

JS (profiteer) is the highest frequency of major IT Forum, an acronym. National Day, New Year's Day, a series of major promotional Hancu not allow computers on the city calmed down and was going to come Chinese New Year brought by a small IT products shopping orgasm. Seen recently in various forums, shopping cheated in the case of Computer City, emerging, and many more launch sites such as "Computer City JS means great exposure!" And other articles.

Many users have questions, price transparency is all brand computers are very high, and the city full of computer brands in the store, can I shop in this environment would be "black" not a? Yes, if you are not familiar with computer products, you are lured by some petty profits, that would be allowed to fall into the trap in JS.

Recently, computer users on the exposed some of the city rule, the message to Beijing Zhongguancun, for example, listed the gorgeous exterior Zhongguancun Computer City, the four potential rules: 蹇芥偁 customers, invoices transmission of the disease, shop upstairs and downstairs shop Shopping guide puzzle. To Huyou customer, for example, a consumer to buy A brand digital cameras, the result has been sales to defame A brand-name products for various reasons, then enthusiastically recommend B brand products, 蹇芥偁 half, many consumers are not familiar with the product also The sales staff was "kind and warm" move, when to buy B brand, only to find out a comparison of the B brands sold here, the price higher than the outside with a large, back to theory, to meet the consumer's natural that the black surface of the door god . The situation in Guangzhou Computer City also common, but are more common in Zhongguancun's thing, such as 13 floors of a store in Zhongguancun Hailong playing out on account of huyou Dafa is condemned dozens of online users.

Zhongguancun than shopping environment, the computer business district of Guangzhou Gangding no doubt, it is relatively "clean" many, at least Purchasing Guide sold upstairs with downstairs, etc. to see less obvious. However, playing a little trick misty's case will still occur. Zhongguancun, the four potential rules do appear to many consumers, "wronged" the past is the computer industry is more concerned about the city business district be formed, Computer City, the competitive situation between the expense of the city as the main computer of competition between businesses environmental change. This post in on that: "Competition in the tragic, tremendous pressure on the one hand to businesses, on the other hand, excessive competition will inevitably make Zhongguancun ecology in 'overload' conditions, the consequences will be out of the core of a large number of the lack of competition force business, on the other hand the process of elimination will be made in the shopping environment has become worse in Zhongguancun. "to the sound development of the computer business district, merchants to obtain reasonable profit, consumer rights are protected, how to achieve win-win results is difficult to find estimates A surefire plan before, in addition to store management should step up efforts, the consumer is only looking to match wits with the JS, to avoid falling into the "hidden rules" in the snares.


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Monday, September 27, 2010

Xie Wen then resign: 1 million and 3 years is too luxurious

Xie Wen again resigned.

Called China's Internet "veterans" of the DR, had worked in the public network, Ourgame, internet laboratories, and the telecommunications network served as CEO and general manager of Yahoo China, but often have hang up his boots away end. 8 months ago, Xie Wen co-founded "with the network" and served as CEO.

"Give me 10 million U.S. dollars and 3 years, I promise to do it." On September 9 this year, Xie Wen is still placed on the network with high hope and believe that the cooperation of employers, in addition to staff, their advocated by the SNS (social network service) ideas are carried through. However, the only voice down less than 3 months, thank once again chosen to resign.

"In the same area as happy SNS network access to internal network traffic, while great, is called a non-profit employers believe that, but you have to spend 3 years training things, has become increasingly difficult." Dec. 2, 1 position in the industry say.

"Five conditions do not have the"

December 2, Xie Wen told reporters, in fact, released in September this year, when the rhetoric, he and co-operation with the network of investors has emerged a shadow, "but in any one day, just referring to the need to do."

According to report, with net investment side is the mass of information technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred mass Corporation), mainly to do data mining, intelligent retrieval services.

Xie Wen said that the company was the reason why mass attracts him because the company did 8 years search engine technology, "there is no fortune, no closure, there must be the quality which is different from ordinary people."

December 2, Xie Wen still stick to the theory for the Web2.0, Web2.0 to do that successfully requires five elements: First, have a good game, that is the modern enterprise system, the Board, the management of all negative their duties, not ultra vires; second, have a good strategy, that must be innovative, can not simply copy, and not only plans offer quick and tough; third, have a good team; Fourth, to have good resources, mainly funds; Fifth, there should be some time.

To this end, he proposed the "3 years and 10 million" concept. This impressed the massive company, has become a prerequisite for their cooperation.

According to Xie Wen said the two sides basically hit it off, that through our efforts to build China's MySpace, "at the time, the five conditions are available look."

However, Xie Wen seems, things have changed quickly. In terms of personnel, with the network team about 100 people initially, but when left in the DR left 80 people, "with 30 new tactics which, in fact, in just 8 months has 50 people left. "

Xie Wen believes that the biggest problem is the investors failed to do so, "mainly because of funding and equity issues." Xie Wen told reporters: on the one hand, 1 / 3 of the financing was not forthcoming; on the other hand, promised to him in equity and not in place, "has to leave, nor did the law become a shareholder with the network."

"I talked about earlier five conditions were actually destroyed, in this case, the rules of the game has been in turmoil, could not proceed." Xie said.

"Burn" very extravagant

"Xie Wen said the five conditions, in reality, it is mission impossible." One of the industry, told reporters.

"Mass is the use of the money threw themselves, how to calm down, wash it?" The official said, particularly in the current financial crisis environment, the company believes cash is king and will not put money lightly spread out, even if there is money in the hands of the company, will become more cautious.

According to report, with the network's performance by the other SNS sites in the extrusion, the performance was not satisfactory. As of December 2, in the Alexa traffic rankings, with the net position is the first 21,999 names, which belong to the same school site SNS class network of networks and happy ranking 166 and 139, respectively, a huge gap between the two sides. Especially since May this year, happy with the competition for parking spaces network, such as the slave trade for several games on a huge user base and traffic.

"This allows SNS industry hopes to see overnight success, let dry for three years Hsieh Wen encouraged to go directly affected by the impact theory." Some analysts have said.

"More importantly, the massive company's money is their own, can not afford to burn, not obvious in the case of performance, there will be doubt. This is for investors and management is an old problem." The source said.

Generous consulting CEO Cheng Tianyu also believes that investors can not 100 percent between the coordination and management, therefore, how to handle investor relations and also management must face.

Access to venture capital should just search Web CEO, said Wang Kai, and now investors on the management team have become increasingly demanding, "Gambling has become increasingly popular on the" increasing pressure management, and, as XIE Man imagine the kind of situation without any pressure of dry years, more and more difficult.

One person familiar with Xie Wen told reporters, not so much Xie Wen is a businessman, as he is a scholar, never give up the ideal, but reality always requires compromise, "even with even the best ideas, in the absence of understanding of time, that can not be successful. "

According to the ideal into reality is not

"China's SNS sites do not have a consistent true Web2.0." 9 9, Xie Wen said he most looked down on speculation that one or two from abroad by copying a small program and draw a large number of users of the site, believing it effect and will not last long. However, a disadvantage for the time being so that he is such a website.

"He did a project with any of the spirit of openness. Do not know the environment is bad in the end, or was he thinking too far ahead." Summed up the industry said.

"Previously, when Yahoo China, Xie Wen wanted to build China's MySpace, but in just 40 days later, was forced to resign." The person said.

"This year's time, has been doing with the net open, and open is the SNS most need to be resolved." December 2, Xie Wen told reporters remained.

He summed up the direction of development of the next step SNS: first, SNS is a people-centered, starting from people's; second, SNS is open; third, full-service, full life; Fourth, integration of intelligence.

The person familiar with Xie Wen told reporters that the text would like to thank the sample by creating a successful web site to prove their theory is correct, but the reality is that he was once again stranded.

When asked Xie Wen next plan, he said, "rest, or start the next. China's Internet is still very young, the opportunity will be a lot."

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Multi-pronged approach to create pleasant blog header

Now more and more friends to write blog, if you are tired of waking page templates, want to have a more tailored their own blog, then, and I work together, to create a own page header (header ) bar. This design philosophy and approach from the skills to tell you how to make your own blog (or website) header look more pleasing.

Header is a simple web page of the most important visual elements. For many blog is, header may be the only visual element. So he must assume many functions, the first a header away is your website and the website style definition, it must be filled the pages of hastily glance whenever they realize sites of the type and its expression of attitude is what Yao, Tong Shi header also must a simple and clear navigation. All of these can easily use the three parts (each part has its own function) to build, and integrate them together through the same elements. It follows that to how these together as a whole.

1. From the beginning of space division

A web page's header across the entire page, we will be divided into three parts: site name, image, navigation bar. For which they were designed.

Do much? (Name and picture of the ratio)

By convention, the name is usually placed in the top left corner, in line with our reading habits, picture side on the right. Relatively small proportion of the name, but not absolute, but also on the length of the name, can not be generalized. But do not split the name and picture of the region, because this will make people's vision does not end result, can not focus. With the asymmetry ratio would be wise.

2. To find a suitable picture

A nice header image is a nice key, you can find an expression in the lateral regions of the image information. Should be surprised that you will find it is very easy to do.

3. For the three regions colored

Use a straw to extract images in the main color, and arranged from dark to light, and then choose a color for each color of the region, note the contrast between regions.

Contrast, the stronger the higher the power

A common color palette can integrate the three parts. Because the colors are present in the picture, so usually no matter how you mix and match, these three regions can be very good coordination. The more intense color contrast between the region, strong forces (tension, visual impact); the opposite color contrast weaker, the site will look more peaceful, but it is easy to remember.

4. To set the name and navigation

If you have a lot of font choices, and the picture would look for a matching font: noisy picture with quiet fonts; classic image with a classic font; plain picture with expressive fonts.

Tips: the name of the region and the navigation bar swap the color of the region as its font color, is the safest way, it makes your site look uniform, of course, if you are a master with color, you can also use other colors.

Font settings so easy:
A. A very long name must be split into two lines or more, and the upper and lower rows of the font does not crash.
B. Avoid strong but lack the sense of fun font.
C. To avoid the seemingly good but incompatible fonts.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Green dam" birth is: who won the 41.7 million yuan orders

A piece of paper from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (the "Ministry of Industry"), the value of 41.7 million yuan, "order", so Zhengzhou Jinhui Computer Systems Limited ("Zhengzhou Jin Hui") and Beijing Taisho knowledge of the language Treatment Limited ("Beijing Taisho") became famous overnight.

Zhengzhou Jin Hui and Beijing is through the development of a major called "harmful information" of Internet filtering software, were divided got 21.8 million yuan and 19.9 million yuan of the contract value, then, the Ministry of Industry also expected government purchases each of the two companies to purchase the right to use, and for the community free of charge.

Well, so much of "income" why benefit payments attributable to Zhengzhou and Beijing, Taisho? This may be the "harmful information" as the core of a business story.

Winner "life experience"

41.7 million yuan a year to win "contracts big one" in Zhengzhou and Beijing, Taisho Jin Hui, So who exactly? As if only they are two innovative technology companies, all seems too simple.


Something wrong with that funded the establishment of a large positive McEnery Beijing company is being established in Beijing after the Great had just set up, and according to this reporter know, Beijing Taisho was established in 2000.

The Zhengzhou Jin Hui Hui-Chin Chou, chairman of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the previously served as subordinate party Weishujijian Kehai Group Executive Vice President.

The press information available shows that mandatory pre-installed software containing harmful information made public before the media, the Ministry of Industry has primary and secondary schools respectively, and major PC makers notice requirements in the factory process, mandatory pre-installed the software . Which, by the Ministry forwarded the notice to all primary and secondary schools, clearly defined deadlines for the May 2009.

Investigations on behalf of Beijing Meng Tung Tai Fa Yu-name companies also, such as soft-media video technology Beijing, Beijing Technology & Trade Co., Ltd. McEwing, Beijing Kirsten Telecommunication Technology Development Company Ltd., which Beijing Mai Ningke Trade Co., Ltd. is still in the "suspended" state.

More subtly, Beijing had also great is the branch in Shenzhen Local Taxation Bureau of the taxes on that list, Shenzhen City, Shenzhen National Tax State Tax Report [2008] 4 documents show that Beijing is a large enterprise income tax arrears, Shenzhen Branch total of 5.6322 million yuan.

Interests of the geometry

June 12 afternoon, "China Business" reporter arrived at the nearby People's University, Haidian District, Beijing, Taisho office - Gateway to Science and Technology Building, 7th floor, the company's staff told reporters that Beijing is big here in 2002 office, the office to the total number of about 70 or so.

On the company business license hanging on the wall, a university research centers and many other documents, "Beijing Taisho" message is not obvious, only found on top of the business license. Obviously, "harmful information" in the development of the company is not only a business, but is this a software product development, great is brought to Beijing for a year 19.9 million yuan of cash income.

This reporter has learned that day, the company legal representative of the East Meng Yu is away on business. "This is a commercial activity, and the Government has nothing to do." Zhengzhou Jin Hui, general manager Zhang Chenmin in a media interview said. And figure out "harmful information" software revenue for the two companies the easiest way is to figure out the software development costs.

銆??鏉ヨ嚜涓氱晫鏉冨▉瀹夊叏鍘傚晢鐨勪汉澹〃绀猴紝姝ょ被杩囨护杞欢鐨勫紑鍙戝苟涓嶅鏉傦紝鍏舵垚鏈嚦澶氫笉浼氶珮浜?0涓囧厓銆?The person had also conducted a detailed analysis of the software and found that green bar image recognition software and even using some open source code from the Internet, but according to the Ministry of Industry and publicity of information display, the image part of the recognition by the Zhengzhou Jin Hui is responsible for development.

June 11, Netease technology linked to a news channel also shows that the Green Dam cracked software, technical difficulty is not large, there have been online even crack the password hint that the software tutorial.

The evening of June 10, China Central Television, "Evening News" quoted in the relevant head of the Ministry of Industry as saying that "harmful information" does not monitor users of personal information and online behavior, just filter pornography and other undesirable network information, the software In the PC terminal can also be uninstalled by the user themselves.

But is this a free to uninstall the software, the Ministry of Industry is preparing to government procurement in the form of royalties paid to developers for free installation of society, thus, "harmful information" covered by the outside world as China the highest rate of "genuine software."

銆??鍓嶈堪涓氱晫鏉冨▉瀹夊叏鍘傚晢鐨勪汉澹繕閫忛湶锛岀被浼煎畨鍏ㄨ蒋浠剁殑閿?敭濡傛灉鏄殢纭欢缁戝畾锛屼竴鑸細鎸夌収缁堢鐐规暟鐨勫灏戞潵杩涜瀹氫环銆?Such as Microsoft's windows operating system pre-installed as long as a large enough number of hardware vendors, their prices are not high, typically tens of dollars to several hundred dollars.

Monopoly suspects

Ministry of Industry on June 9 announced the "pre-installed on the computer, Internet filtering software notice the green" after three days, some of the legal profession, academics sent a letter to the State Department and National Anti-Monopoly Committee, pointed out that the notice issued under the Ministry of Industry and alleged violations of "anti-monopoly law," lawyers had also apply to the Ministry of Industry, require information disclosure.

This reporter learned that the State Department sent a letter to two people, media law expert Richard Winter levy system and China Youth Political College professor, well-known lawyer Zhou Ze.

They sent a letter to the State Department's letter stated that the requirements of compulsory pre-installed, alleged misuse of administrative powers to exclude and restrict competition in violation of the "anti-monopoly law" requirement. Kingsoft and other security software now can provide a similar filtering systems and even Microsoft vista preset related functions. MIIT requires a computer preloaded with "harmful information" software, may limit and the exclusion of other similar software operators and "harmful information" software operator competition. Development, production and "harmful information" software similar enterprise software products, shall enjoy the right to fair competition.

"We believe that the greatest current threat to the public is Trojans, viruses and other malicious code, as the aim at the protection of public privacy, technology-based companies, information about what is bad site, we in fact very difficult to do the evaluation." Owns 360 security guards and software butler Qihoo chairman Zhou Hongyi told, "China Business" reporter, green filtering software More parental control by the children's market, rather than the mass market.鍥犳锛屽浗鍐呯煡鍚嶅畨鍏ㄥ巶鍟嗚濡?60銆侀噾灞便?鐟炴槦绛夛紝灏界杞欢鍧囧叿澶囩被浼煎姛鑳斤紝浣嗛兘娌℃湁閽堝璇ョ粏鍒嗗競鍦烘帹鍑轰笓椤逛骇鍝併?

Triggered by a software story, perhaps just begun.


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Monday, July 26, 2010

When DB2 database query associated with the basic syntax

DB2 provides a relational database query language sql (structured query language), is a very colloquial, not only to learn it to understand syntax. This language is almost every database system must be provided to indicate the connection type, and contains a data definition (ddl), and data processing (dml). sql original spell sequel, the language of the prototype "system r" in the name of San Jose Laboratory ibm, ibm internal and the other through the use and efficiency of many tests, the results were satisfactory, and decided to Systems developed the technical basis of r ibm products. And the American National Standards Institute (ansi) and the International Organization for Standardization (iso) in 1987, followed by an almost standard ibm sql-based language of the definition of relational data.

First, data to define DDL (data definition language)

Data set language is that the format and form of information to define the language, he is every time the database should be established when the first had to confront that whenever the form data be divided relationship, what form of a bar-bit host key, forms and mutual relationship between the reference form, etc., all in the beginning of the planning that must be good.

1, built form:

create table table_name (column1 datatype [not null] [not null primary key], column2 datatype [not null], ...)


datatype - is the data format, see Table.

nut null - Can allow the information free of the (not yet have information to fill in).

primary key - primary key of this table.

2, change the form

alter table table_name add column column_name datatype

Description: Add a field (not delete a field syntax.

alter table table_name add primary key (column_name)

Note: change the definition of the table have a field to set the primary key.

alter table table_name drop primary key (column_name)

Note: the definition of the primary key to delete.

3, indexing

create index index_name on table_name (column_name)

Note: The fields of a table index to increase query speed.

4, delete

drop table_name drop index_name

Second, DDL Information form datatypes

smallint 16-bit integer.

interger 32-bit integer.

decimal (p, s) p s exact value and the size of a decimal integer, the exact value of p is the number of all there are several (digits) size value, s is some number after the decimal point. If not specified, the system will be set to p = 5; s = 0.

float 32-bit real number.

double 64-bit real number.

char (n) n-length string, n can not be more than 254.

varchar (n) length is not fixed and the maximum string length n, n can not be more than 4000.

graphic (n) and char (n) the same, but the unit is two words per double-bytes, n can not be more than 127. This form is to support the length of words per font, such as Chinese characters.

vargraphic (n) variable length and its maximum length n of the two-character string, n can not be more than 2000.

date contains the year, month, date.

time includes the hours, minutes, seconds.

timestamp contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond.

Third, data manipulation DML (data manipulation language)

Information after the definition of good is the information the next operation. Information on the operation of no more than increase the data (insert), query data (query), change the data (update), delete (delete) the four models, the following were to introduce their syntax:

1, additional information:

insert into table_name (column1, column2 ,...) values (value1, value2, ...)


1. If the column is not specified, the system will be in accordance with the order form fill in the information field.

2. Field data form and fill in the information which must be consistent.

3.table_name can also be a landscape view_name.

insert into table_name (column1, column2 ,...) select columnx, columny, ... from another_table

Note: You can also go through a sub-query (subquery) to fill in other forms of information.

2, the query information:

Basic Query

select column1, columns2, ... from table_name

Note: the table_name field-specific information to list out

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name where column1 = xxx [and column2> yyy] [or column3 <> zzz]


1 .''''*'''' that all fields are listed.

2.where followed by conditional access, to meet the requirements of the information listed.

select column1, column2 from table_name order by column2 [desc]

Description: order by is specified to do a column sort, [desc] is the big to small order, if not specified, it is ordered from small to large

Combined query

Combination query is obtained by the query source does not have a single form, but more than one form joint can get results.

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table1, table2 where table1.colum1 = table2.column1


1. Query two tables in one of the column1 value of the same information.

2. Of course, comparing the two form fields, the information must be the same shape.

3. A complex query into the form of its use may be many months.

Integrated query:

select count (*) from table_name where column_name = xxx

Note: Query data meet the requirements of a few there.

select sum (column1) from table_name

Note: 1. Calculate the sum of the selected field must be countable number of forms.

2. In addition there are avg () is the calculation of the average, max (), min () minimum value of integration for calculating the maximum query.

select column1, avg (column2) from table_name group by column1 having avg (column2)> xxx

Description: 1.group by: to column1 column2 calculated as the average of a group must avg, sum and so integrated with the use of the keyword query.

2.having: must be used together as an integrated group by the restrictions.

Compound query

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name1 where exists (select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name2 where conditions)

Description: 1.where the conditions can be another's query.

2.exists refers to the existence of.

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name1 where column1 in (select column1 from table_name2 where conditions)

Note: 1. In the back then was a collection that exists column1 set inside.

2. Select out the information form must be consistent with column1.

Other inquiries

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name1 where column1 like''''x %''''

Description: like to be and behind''''x %'''' echoes that start with x as string.

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name1 where column1 in ('''' xxx'''','''' yyy'''',..)

Note: in the back then is a collection of collections that exist inside column1.

select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from table_name1 where column1 between xx and yy

Note: between the values that column1 between between xx and yy.

3, change the data:

update table_name set column1 ='''' xxx''''where conditoins


1. To change a field to set the value of''''xxx''''銆?br />
2.conditions is to be consistent with the conditions, if there is no where for the entire table of the field will all be changed.

4, delete:

delete from table_name where conditions

Description: Remove matching information.

Note: where the conditions on the back if the comparison includes the date, different databases have different expressions. As follows:

(1) If access the database, was: where mydate> # 2000-01-01 #

(2) If the oracle database, was: where mydate> cast ('''' 2000-01-01''''as date)

Or: where mydate> to_date ('''' 2000-01-01'''','''' yyyy-mm-dd'''')

Is written in delphi: thedate ='''' 2000-01-01'''';

query1.sql.add ('''' select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from abc where mydate> cast (''''+''''''''' '''''''+ thedate +''''''''''''''''+'''' as date )'''');

If you compare date and time types, was: where mydatetime> to_date ('''' 2000-01-01 10:00:01'''','''' yyyy-mm-dd hh24: mi: ss''' ')


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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Switch, router password recovery procedure

鈷?exported to connect the switch console terminal or PC emulation terminal. With no direct connection Modem connection PC's serial exported to the switch console port.

鈷?first hold down the mode key switch panel, and then turn on the power.

鈷?initialize flash.

> Flash_init

鈷?renamed the configuration file containing the password.

> Rename flash: config.text flash: config.old

鈷?start switch.

> Boot

鈷?enter privileged mode.

> Enable

鈷?boot time is already overlooked password.

# Rename flash: config.old flash: config.text

鈷?copy configuration files to the current system.

# Copy flash: config.text system: running-config

鈷?modify password.

# Configure terminal

# Enable secret

鈷?save the configuration.

# Write

Router password recovery procedure

鈷?exported to connect the router console terminal or PC emulation terminal. With no direct connection Modem connection PC's serial exported to the router's console port.

鈷?with the show version command to display and record the configuration register value, usually 0x2102 or 0x102. If you can not use the show version command to obtain prompt, you can view similar to the router to get the configuration register value or try to use 0x2102.

鈷?turn off the router's power supply, and then open.

鈷?the start of the first 60 seconds press Break key, you will see the ">" prompt (no router name), if not see the ">" prompt to show that you did not send the correct Break signal, then you can check terminal or terminal emulation settings.

鈷?in the ">" prompt, type o / r 0x42 in the boot from the Flash memory or type o / r 0x41 in the boot from ROM (Note: This "o" is lowercase letter "O"). Flash and intact if it did not move over, 0x42 is the best setting, because it is the default value, only if the Flash is erased or not installed, use 0x41. If you use 0x41, you can view or delete the original configuration, but you can not change the password.

鈷?in the ">" prompt, type i, the router will restart and ignore its saved configuration.

鈷?set all the questions answered "no".

鈷?at the Router> prompt, type enable, you will enter the Router # prompt privileged users.

鈷?view the password, type show config

Change the password (the password encryption in the case), in accordance with the following steps:

(A) Type config mem copy the NVRAM into memory;

(B) type wr term;

(C) If you have made enable secret xxxx, run the following command: Type config term and then type enable secret press Ctrl + Z; If you have not made enable secret xxxx, then type the enable password, Press Ctrl + Z;

(D) Type write mem to submit to save changes; if delete configuration, type write erase.

鈷?at the Router # prompt, type config term.

鈷?type config-register0x2102, or type the value recorded in the second step.

鈷?press Ctrl + Z exit the editor.

鈷?at the Router # prompt, type the reload command, do not need to do write memory.


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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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Friday, June 25, 2010

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AaleSoft Video Converter Platinum transcodes AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, Tivo, MPEG videos (and many more) in one simple click. Videos produced can be played on various devices including PC, iPod, PSP, Mobile Phone, Pocket PC, Palm, Zune, etc. The software features fast conversion speed and superb video & audio quality. And it is very easy to use. Features: (1) Convert AVI, DivX/Xvid, MPEG, Tivo, WMV, RM, MOV videos, etc. (2) Transcode to AVI, Xvid/Divx, WMV, MPEG, MP4 (H.264 or MPEG) videos (3) Supported devices includes PC, Pocket PC, Palm, iPod, PSP, Mobile Phone, Zune player, etc (4) Built-in X!-Speed? transcode technology. Up to 3x faster than conventional converter. (5) Easy to use. adjustable settings. (6) Support conversion in batch mode.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

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WorldCup Flash Converter is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov. It offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, WorldCup Flash Converter lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and other portable devices. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

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Bloysoft Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite converts DVD's and videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc.) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). You can enjoy your Audio/Video life with this all in one Ultimate DVD + Video Converter Suite from now on.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

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Happiness DVD-Audio VQF WAV to CD Cloner - Just download it to have a try, you will love it. Try to use our Happiness DVD-Audio VQF WAV to CD Cloner. CDDB support. Happiness DVD-Audio VQF WAV to CD Cloner - You have a portable digital player, or maybe you have tired to change audio discs every time when you want to listen something special? Try to use our Happiness DVD-Audio VQF WAV to CD Cloner - powerful and easy-to-use tool for converting your audio CD collection to variety of most popular compressed audio formats such as AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, RM. Just one click to finish converting, everyone can use it even a child. Rich options of MP3 encoder, WMA encoder and OGG encoder. Rip CD digitally and directly into music files , no temporary wav file used, saving your hard disk and make it faster! Rip audio CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM files. Support Multiple CD-ROMs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sothink FLV Converter

Sothink FLV Converter is a professional FLV/F4V/HD FLV video converter. It can perfectly convert Flash video into various formats of videos with fast speed and excellent video quality. This FLV to video converter gives you full control over the converting process, free to choose various formats of video and customize audio settings; then you can convert FLV into videos to your heart content.

Formats of input files: FLV/F4V/HD FLV (encoded in H.264)
Formats of output files: Flash video to AVI, MPEG, iPod video, iPhone video, 3GP video, PSP video

Main Features:
Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to video of different formats

1 Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to AVI video
2 Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to MPEG video
3 Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to PSP (MP4) movie
4 Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to iPod (MP4) movie
5 Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to iPhone (MP4) movie
6 Convert FLV/F4V/HD FLV to 3GP video (3GPP/3GPP2)

Powerful FLV/F4V/HD FLV conversion

1. Fast speed of conversion
2. Previewing and trimming video easily
3. No skipped frames during conversion
4. Good quality of video and audio can be maintained
5. Free to set properties of output file before conversion
6. Adjustable volume with a gain slider

Easy to use, User-friendly interface

1. Simple and clear interface
2. Built-in FLV player for preview
3. Different zoom modes for you to choose. Help you get right dimension and aspect ratio as you like.

Other benefits:

1.Work with a companied tool Sothink Web Video Downloader, and help you fast capture FLV video from Youtube and convert YouTube videos to other video formats.
2. Let it work with Sothink DVD EZWorkshop, and then you can have your own DVD collection.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

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Professional CD WAV AMR to MPC Cloner is a cool and portable OGG Player. Professional CD WAV AMR to MPC Cloner supports CDDB auto-grabbing, It has some cool tools such as ID3 tag editor and DanDans OGG player. It can play OGG MP3 WAV WMA CD ASF MID MID RMI KAR and has standard functions to control your playback. You can edit the title, artist, album, year, genre and comment information of your files.It is an easy-to-use tool to convert your audio CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM file. It support FreeDB function and you can get track title, artist, and album information from the Internet CD database. And more, Converter function built-in to converting MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, from one format to another.It builds with a small Tag Editor. It has strong reading-disc-function.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

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4000 Stations on your PC - Instantly Turn your Computer into a Super TV with over 4000 Stations for a small one-time fee. No Subscriptions Needed & No Recurring Charges... Ever! Watch your favorite TV shows, movies, live sporting events, childrens, comedy, news, music channels, documentaries etc. from major networks whenever you want. Connect To A Whole New World Of Online Entertainment. All that you need is our software and an internet connection. It works anywhere in the world: U.S., U.K., Canada, Japan, India, Russia, etc. Don't Miss This Chance to get over 4000 Stations from All Over the World, Direct to Your PC or Laptop. You won't be disappointed... 100% Legal - Guaranteed!

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

AoreSoft Video Converter Pro

Popular Video Converter Platinum is a very powerful video format converter that can convert your video and audio files to various formats to meet different format requirements and for playback on popular players including iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Pocket PC, Creative Zen, Archos and so on. It is the best video converter that can convert WMV to AVI, VOB to AVI, and even convert video to Youtube and Youtube to video.
Key Features:
1.Directly rip DVD for playback on all popular portable video/audio players
2.An excellent video format converter that supports various video formats including MP4, MOV, 3GP, AVI, WMV, RM, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, FLV, ASF, and HD videos.
3.Support all popular video and audio players such as iPod, Zune, PSP, Pocket PC, Creative Zen, Archos and so on.
4.Complete with a Video Joiner that lets you merge more than one file into a single file.
5.Crop your movie video to remove the black video sides.
6.Trim your video files to convert your favorite movie clips.
7.Capture your favorite pictures from your video files and save the captured pictures on your computer.
8.Built in iPod Copy Manager that allows you to transfer files between computer and iPod without iTunes
9.Built PSP Video Manager that can transfer video files between computer and PSP.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

WorldCup DVD to Wii

WorldCup DVD to Wii is a professional DVD movie to Wii video converter software. WorldCup DVD to Wii directly converts DVD movies to your Wii. All you need do is to connect Wii to your PC and start Super DVD to Wii Converter. When the conversion is completed. WorldCup DVD to Wii is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY Wii directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on Wii. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happiness Midi CD Recorder

Happiness Midi CD Recorder is designed for extraction digital audio from cd's. Happiness Midi CD Recorder copies audio digitally and save as WAV or MP3 on-the-fly with excellent quality and speed. Happiness Midi CD Recorder can connect to FreeDB to download CD details and save as ID3V2 tags. You can use Name Rules to generate filename using ID3 Tag information such as artist's, track's title and track's number. This software quickly and easily converts your audio or video files to AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, RM format. Using a clear and intuitive interface, you can convert files individually or in batches plus you have the options to normalize the volume, encode specific portions, or remove silences. The integrated CD ripper supports automatic retrieval of disc information using CDDB and Jitter error correction. ID3 tags are preserved automatically, and it's possible to name output files by ID3 tags, such as artist name, song title, album title, and so on. Convert every audio format now!

Recommand Link:

Convert mkv to avi software

Sunday, March 7, 2010

ColeSoft DVD Ripper

DVD Ripper Platinum is multifunctional but easy-to-use DVD ripping software capable of ripping DVD to almost all video and audio formats, including MPEG-4, AVI, DivX, XviD, RM, FLV, SWF, MOV, 3GP, WMV, WMA, MP3, AAC, AC3, M4A, WAV etc. It can rip DVD audio and video to iPod, iPhone, PSP, Apple TV etc. DVD Ripper Platinum enables you to convert DVD to any format they supported easily.
You would choose any chapter or clip any segment to get custom DVD audio and video optionally. Profile and output file size customization is also supported.

New features:
1.Support multi-core processor.
2.Support 5.1 channel surround sound system.
3.Add new profiles, and profile icon is added in the profile.

Key features:
1. Convert DVD movie to most popular video formats, e.g. AVI, WMV, DivX, MPEG-4, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV, SWF;
2. Rip DVD audio files to MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, AC3 etc.;
3. Clip any segment you want to rip from DVD, and merge several segments into one if necessary;
4. Split source files into several by file size or time, or merge several sources into one;
5. Rip DVD to multiple different formats at one time for multiple needs;
6. There are detailed audio and video settings provided in DVD Ripper Platinum, for example, quality, sample rate, channel and split mode etc.;
7. Create and edit custom profile optionally in the way of choosing a profile, adjusting its parameters and renaming;
8. Customize the size of output audio and video file for different devices;
9. Support both NTSC and PAL DVD ripping;
10. Preview the source DVD for the convenience of choosing the segments to rip;
11. Retrieve DVD information from the Internet automatically or manually;
12. The excellent quality of audio and video output is beyond imagination.

Software Studio is one of the pioneers in DVD, video and audio software development.We endeavor to develop most easy-to-use, steady and detail-focused software products.

Recommand Link:

DIVX dvd to cowon a3 software

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happiness CD WMA MP2 to DVD-Audio Editor

Happiness CD WMA MP2 to DVD-Audio Editor supports encrypted audio CD ripping; Output audio quality is adjustable from 80 Kbit/s to 320 Kbit/s when rip DVD; Happiness CD WMA MP2 to DVD-Audio Editor supports system idle and low priority conversion. Users can custom their conversion to get the best performance. Provide standard mode and advanced mode for beginners and veterans; You can edit ID3 tag for your DVD sound with Happiness CD WMA MP2 to DVD-Audio Editor. Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio or video files to WMA, AIFF, Vorbis OGG, Wave, and MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RMformat. Using a clear and intuitive interface, you can convert files individually or in batches plus you have the options to normalize the volume, encode specific portions, or remove silences. The integrated CD ripper features automatic retrieval of disc information using CDDB, and Jitter error correction support. ID3 tags are preserved automatically, and it's possible to name output files by ID3 tags, such as artist name, song title, album title, and so on. Now start converting your audio files!

Recommand Link:

adobe flash to ts format converter software

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bluesea CD OGG RA to ID3 Editing

Bluesea CD OGG RA to ID3 Editing really realize build cutter and joiner into one. If you have many song and want to cut part from every song and then marge those parts into to one big song, Power MP3 Cutter Joiner is your best choice. To finish that, all you need is just set the start-time and end-time for every file and then click "Join". It supports the following audio formats are supported: MP3 (including VBR); MP2; VOX (Dialogic ADPCM); OGG; WMA; RM; RA; RAM. Convert WAV, MP3, MP2, MP1, MPEG, MP4, AAC, OGG, AVI, MPC, MOV, QT, WMA or 3GP files to WAV, MP3, MP2, ACM, AC3, MP4, AAC, VOX or AMR .

Recommand Link:

best h.264/avc to XVID