Tuesday, October 19, 2010

National Social Security card can break the ice in the Yangtze River Delta region

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released "State Golden Card Project National IC card application (2008-2013) development plan" put forward, the next 5 years, China's social security card to the "National General."灞婃椂锛屽皢鏈変竴涓鐩栧叏鍥界殑缃戠粶锛屽疄鐜板吇鑰併?鍖荤枟銆佺ぞ淇濈瓑浜嬪姟鐨勨?绁炲窞琛屸?銆?br />
"Social Security Card," and this will help to break the geographical barriers of the policy vision, the materials, transportation, personnel, information flow and close coordination in the high speed of the Yangtze River Delta, will take the lead in ice?

"City effect" can not do without "social insurance exchange"

Not long ago, Shanghai 129 bus will replace a new POS machines to accept from Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Yangtze River Delta cities, traffic card. Currently in Yangtze River Delta, one relying on the transportation cards, "Transit Circle" has begun to take shape. Shanghai local transport card carrying members of the public, not only in Suzhou, Wuxi, Changshu, take the bus Cheong Hang in Fuyang, Hangzhou, also in the "fight."浜掗?鐨勪笉鍙槸浜ら?銆?Figures show the other provinces the number of households and enterprises in Shanghai registered capital, respectively, 30% and 50% from the Yangtze River Delta region; Shanghai's domestic economic cooperation projects, with about four percent of Jiangsu, Zhejiang cooperation. In the capital, talent, technology, the rapid flow of information, the Yangtze River Delta in the "city effect" is becoming increasingly prominent. "City" Lacks Anything? Deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission Reform Institute, NLD Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Cheng Shao said that in recent years of "settling in Kunshan, Shanghai office" model of the "City" has been "live" and " line "on the essay, as now, social security has become a livelihood exchange" ultimate threshold. " Cheng Shao believes that demand conditions the Yangtze River Delta region the first in China to achieve social security card interoperability. On the one hand, Shanghai is relatively abundant medical resources should serve the Yangtze River Delta; the other hand, a number of Shanghai residents purchase housing in the neighboring city, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, there are still some areas of origin of people choose to retire to his home to live their retirement, medical treatment have yet to be to achieve interoperability.

"Wuxi Shanghai Cooperation" opened off exchange

Shanghai is the first to introduce social security card of the city. From 1999 to last year, Shanghai has issued a total of 11.12 million social security card, covering the permanent residents and to Shanghai, application areas include labor and social security, public security, civil affairs, provident fund, medical insurance, health, education, voter registration and military service Its function will be to the "electronic wallet" to expand. In implementing the first five years, in July 2003, a "Shanghai and Wuxi on the realization of the two" social security card "interoperability framework of cooperation agreement" signed between the two cities. Agreement, "In view of the Xihu very frequent personnel exchanges between the two, both from the convenience of the public exchange of human resources, remote extraction of pension, medical billing and other services using the social security card point of view", will promote interoperability between social security card.鏍规嵁鍙屾柟绾﹀畾锛岀敱涓婃捣鎵挎媴鏃犻敗绀句繚鍗$殑绯荤粺寤鸿宸ヤ綔銆?CPPCC Standing Committee, Democratic League of the Shanghai Municipal Director Zheng Huiqiang that the "Shanghai Wuxi cooperation," the implementation of the project marks the experience of Shanghai social security card was successfully applied to other large and medium cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and software algorithms and interlinked nature of technology platforms, but also the future of networking for the two common foundation. September 2005, Wuxi City, the official social security card system, a project put into operation, the system covers all citizens, "life information", the end of last year, total fat,

Up about 1.5 million social security card.鍦ㄤ粖骞村惎鍔ㄧ殑鈥滀簩鏈熷伐绋嬧?涓紝涓婃捣杩樺皢涓烘棤閿″埗浣?0涓囧紶灞呮皯鍖讳繚瀛︾敓鍗°?


Cheng Shao frankly, from the Yangtze River Delta cities to promote the current situation, "social security card" of progress is still "slow."涓烘锛岄渶瑕佸敖蹇墦寮?笅杩颁笁涓?鍗″彛鈥濄? , "Bayonet" is one of the technical standards throughout the different.鐢变簬缂轰箯閫氱洏鑰冭檻锛屼簰閫氳鍒掓?浠嶄笉瓒筹紝鐩墠鍚勫煄甯傚ぇ澶氬湪灏忚寖鍥村唴缁熶竴鏍囧噯鍜屾妧鏈紝浠庤?褰㈡垚浜嗚嫢骞蹭釜鈥滃皬鍦堝湀鈥濓紝姣斿鏉窞閲囩敤闆嗘垚鐢佃矾鎶?湳锛屽槈鍏翠负鈥滃鐢ㄩ?鏅鸿兘鍗♀?锛屽畞娉?鍙板窞銆佺粛鍏淬?婀栧窞鐨勬妧鏈爣鍑嗕緷鎵樹簬閾惰绯荤粺锛岃?涓婃捣銆佹棤閿″張灞炲彟涓?被銆?Cheng Shao said that as an increasingly significant problem, at present these "all into one group," the standards are still being vigorously promoted around, it will communicate the next docking additional transition costs that may arise "format war" will hinder the region integration steps. 鈥滃崱鍙b?涔嬩簩鏄斂绛栧樊寮傜殑鍒剁害銆?Cheng Shao said to Medicare, for example, the treatment around the level of financial subsidies are quite different interests of the difficult balance. For example, take the medical insurance card to Shanghai Jiaxing settlement, want a higher health insurance treatment, Shanghai will be happy to pay for it? The cost of health insurance benefit level is rigid or can be, not down, otherwise it will give local residents dissatisfied, however, to go from low to high city will face a higher threshold for treatment. "Cost range of interest is not so, there is no basis for docking, convergence will encounter resistance."

, "Bayonet" The third is the lack of institutional mechanisms. Cheng Shao said the "bayonet" In the final analysis is due to co-ordinate, the lack of coordination mechanisms, the current triangle has been established to promote exchange of relevant transportation card coordinating body, but the social security card of the exchange has not specialized agency responsible for promoting.鐢变簬娌℃湁涓诲鍜屽崗璋冩柟锛屽悇鍦版墽琛屾椂闅惧厤鍥夸簬琛屾斂鍖哄垝鍜屾潯鍧楀垎鍓诧紝閫犳垚鍏变韩灏戙?浜ゆ崲灏戙?鏉ュ線灏戠殑灞?潰銆?Zheng Huiqiang that, to serve as the positioning of the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta, Yangtze River Delta social security card should be actively promoted the establishment of coordination mechanisms, and show initiative to align the posture, so that the next generation social security card machines compatible with surrounding cities.



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